Sunday 26 May 2013

Dynamic Entrepreneur Programme (DEP) part 1

Seawal 6.15am bergerak ke arah KL drpd rumah di Alor Gajah, serius memang agak mengantuk tetapi bila dengar cerita yg Talk Mr Winston Wong sangat best, jadi bersemangat pagi tu sampai terlupa nak minum BB Plus dan bawakan Marine Essence Nourishing Shampoo. huhuhu...

6.55am da sampai R&R Seremban utk cari sarapan, almaklumlah kalau tak minum Mineral Coffee atau BB Plus pagi2 memang tak syok la. Lepas beli sarapan teruskan perjalanan ke Bukit Kiara Country Club.

Mujur masih awal pagi di Sungai Besi jadi kereta memang tak banyak, ikut sahaja signboard ke arah Mont Kiara & my GPS, alhamdulillah sampai tempat sepatutnya walaupun buat U-turn tempat yg sama 3kali sebab pada awalnya dah sampai tapi boleh pulak tak masuk ke Club tu sebab tengok namanya lain. hehehe....

Sampai je kat tempat seminar, mata mencari CDM Raz atau CDM Hanis untuk ambil tiket, kakak2 ku ada urusan lain jadi tak dapat la salah seorang kakak2 hulurkan tiket pada ku. Mr WW sampai lebih kurang 8 lebih, dlm hati "oh inilah rupa orang yg akan bagi talk sepanjang hari ni". Bila masa dekat pukul 9, nampak kehadiran Mr Tan Kai Hee (MD) dan Mr Teo dalam dewan seminar tersebut. "eh inilah orangnya yg selalu nampak dalam video setiap kali mula aktiviti menimba ilmu". 

Sesudah CDM Sha perkenalkan Mr WW, maka mulalah seminar "Dynamic Entrepreneur Programme" drpd Mr WW. 

separuh je nampak Mr WW

Terlalu banyak nak cerita, ini je la dulu, yg pasti seminar beliau sangat bagus dalam merungkai ketidakpastian mengenai bisnes sebegini. Tak rugi datang seminar drpd jauh.

친구안녕 Chingu Annyeong

Friday 24 May 2013

Tomorrow session with Winston Wong

Esok 25 May 2013 daripada 8.30 am sehingga 5.30 pm, di Bukit Kiara Country Club Hartamas ada session bersama Dr Winston Wong.

A few details about Winston Wong
  • Graduate Diploma in Business Studies and Masters of Business Administration and a Member of The Malaysian Institute of Management
  • involved in the Multi-Level Marketing industry since 2001 and in a short span of about two and a half years, he became the top leader and trainer/speaker in the MLM Company in Malaysia with a network in 5 countries across the Asia Pacific region. 
  • vast experience in the manufacturing and industrial sectors as well as in marketing; after his tenure with the MBf Group of Companies in 1993
  • ventured into the promotion of various industrial projects in China with his French partner as well as setting up his own trading and paper converting business in Malaysia
He was elected to head the following Associations:
  • Past President of the Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers' Association. 1991 - 1998 (Two Terms)
  • Past President of the Malaysian Paper Merchants' Association. 2001 - 2004 (Two Terms)
  • Chairman of the Parent Teachers' Association in Seafield Secondary School, Subang Jaya, Malaysia. (1994 - 1997)
  • Vice President and Managing Director of the Institute of Printing, U.K. (Malaysian Branch) 1997 - 2001. Providing vocational education from digital graphics to offset lithography.

Monday 1 April 2013

bilik sewa di Seksyen 28, Shah Alam

Wat iklan bilik sewa jap

Aku mencari seorg penyewa wanita melayu utk menggantikan aku di Seksyen 28 Shah Alam bermula 1st May 2013.
Please contact me. 017 - 212 6637

Kemasukan untuk seorang sahaja. (Master Bedroom)
-Perempuan Muslimah
-Seorang yang menjaga kebersihan & kekemasan
-Harga sewa: RM 150 sebulan tidak termasuk api + air
-Deposit 2+1 (boleh nego)
-Alamat rumah: No.127,Jalan Tanjung Layang 28/18,Taman Alam Megah,Seksyen 28,Shah Alam.
-Rumah teres 1 setengah tingkat.
-Luas & selesa.
-Tilam/katil + bantal bawa sendiri.
-Sila SMS/Call-WANI (012-6518942) / Farah (017-2126637, me, i will moved out)

Sunday 24 March 2013


Musim cuti sekolah bermula maka ramai pasangan mengambil masa cuti sekolah utk mengadakan majlis kahwin masing-masing. Pelbagai aktiviti diselitkan dalam majlis masing-masing. Macam semalam, hos majlis disalah satu majlis kahwin yg aku g ada wat pertandingan, Pertandingan yg aku sempat tonton tapi x ambil gambar ialah minum susu dlm botol susu baby dan rebut kerusi. Happening sgt majlis tu, teruja pulak bila tgk ada booth khas utk sign buku Guest. Macam berhabis banyak je utk majlis kawan aku ni tapi memang AWESOME. She is my good friend when we were in primary school. Congratulation Pinas.
Before that aku g majlis Min, temanya agak berbeza. Sampai2 je terus masuk rumah dan ambil gambar. Persalinannya ala Bollywood,sesuai la mmg minat cite Hindi. Dia merupakan kawan sekolah menengah aku. Sesudah makan, kami lihat dia memakai dress simple. Mungkin utk bergambar sebabnya after aku g next wedding, tgk gambar dari kwn2 lain dia bersanding di pelamin memakai dress warna kuning.
Hari ni kawan sekolah menengah yg sorg lg. Mardiah & Min berpakat utk tidak memilih tarikh yg sma. Alhamdulillah kami boleh pegi dgn rasa lega. Catering utk majlis dia mmg sedap. Jambu batu yg dihidangkan sampai skrg rasa nak makan aje. Makeup lawa, baju pon lawa. Pelamin simple dan cantik. Si Nadiah kawan kami dan juga cousin kpd Mardiah pon duk promote mak andam. Insya' Allah, aku akn pilih mak andam tersebut jika menepati citarasa ku pada kan datang. Happy dgn kawan2 ku yg telah bertukar status. TAHNIAH.
Bila my turn??? Soalan yg tiada jawapan, tiada target bila akan bertukar status, buat masa skrg buat bisnes la. Semalam dah dapat jual Marine Essence Beauty Bar. Alhamdulillah. Hari ni kita promote2 dulu.
 친구안녕 Chingu Annyeong

Thursday 21 March 2013

Book of the House of Gu

Drama yg ku tunggu2 dan ku nanti2 kan dari Suzy (Miss A) dan Lee Seung Gi iaitu
Book of the House of Gu

Banyak sangat drama korea yg belum tengok, drama BIG taknak pulak tengok episode akhir dan KING 2 HEARTS pulak tgk smpi episode 4 je.adoyai...huhu...
Sorry ye Suzy. Mianhae Seung Gi...

Peminat Lee Seung Gi ternyata menantikan drama sebegini dari beliau serta tak lupa juga kepada peminat Suzy.


p/s picture from allkpop

친구안녕 Chingu Annyeong

10 Things That You Have Maybe Done in Your Life

I found this picture just now. Kelakau giler...hahaha....

Banyak aksi dalam picture kat atas ni aku bese wat terutama zaman kanak2 dolu2. Macam aksi telah aku cuba, now masa untuk mengingat kembali apa yg aku penah wat dulu.

takde dulu takde lah sekarang

친구안녕 Chingu Annyeong

Thursday 14 March 2013

2PM_Google+ LIVE Dream Date Hangout

Finish watch 2PM_Google+ LIVEDream Date Hangout ,at JYP Entertainment channel on youtube. I am so happy to watch these boys on youtube but our maknae was not there due to film his drama, Level 7 Civil Servant . They left their signature on their picture but for maknae, Taecyeon draw bananas as Chansung’s signature. Taecyeon is very good to be a host and good looking also. Kyaaaa….

Now, I am waiting to attend another concert from them in Malaysia and I don’t know when they will come to Malaysia to perform all their songs. Hopefully I can watch them perform 'I hate you' and 'Again and Again'.
When they come for their concert, I will make sure to buy VVIP tickets for me, my cousin. and my buddies. I want to go with them because when it comes to 2.P.M, we can watch them as together. I love them and I don't have any bias to any of them. Sometimes I like Nichkhun more than his members, sometimes JunK, Junho, Taecyeon, Wooyong or maknae,Chansung.
 친구안녕 Chingu Annyeong

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Aman di mana-mana sahaja


Ternyata keadaan di Lahad Datu, Sabah sangat membimbangkan. Telah ramai yg gugur  syahid kerana mempertahankan tanah air.

Terima kasih kepada mereka yg sanggup pertahankan negara Malaysia abg2 POLIS & TENTERA. Moga dipermudahkan jalannya untuk mencapai kata sepakat yg membawa kepada keamanan.
Mulakan dengan Bismillah sebelum keluar mempertahankan Negara.

Malaysian WARRIORS You’re AWESOME..!!!

Monday 4 March 2013

Marine Essence Beauty Bar

Here comes a MAGICAL SOAP, awesome soap. I fell in love pada sabun ni, bak kata SoNyuhShiDae [SNSD] 완전 반했나 .
Beginilah rupa sabun tersebut. wangi dan segar, memang bau natural la.
First cuba kat muka, feelingnya best, disebabkan aku ni takde masalah jerawat sangat jadi aku berani je letak sabun ni kat muka, serius, takde masalah pon kat muka aku.

Adek2 aku pulak lepas mandi dgn sabun ni terus show off lengan mereka yg sblum ni agk gelap, after mandi da mula cerah sedikit. dalam hati aku, pergh baru sekali guna dah ada efek, konfius. tapi tak tahu la masing2 gosok berapa lama dgn sabun tu pd lengan dorg.hehe.. aku pon cuba la gak, biasa la stiap kali nak g mndi je lupa nak guna sabun tpi bila tgk adek2 dah guna aku pon guna la dan aku fokuskan pd tmpt yg terkena alergi (dr kecik mmg aku ada je mslh alergi tak kira la pd mknn, habuk, hama dsb nya efeknye mcm2 pd diri aku, jari tebal dan keras, dll).
Besar sabun ni sebesar tapak tangan aku je. mcm kat bawah ni


Di sini saya selitkan kandungan sabun ini dan manfaatnya pada kita.

Jika berminat pada sabun ni, boleh hubungi saya di +6 017 212 6637.


Wednesday 27 February 2013


Ah penatnya ulang alik hari ini, tapi takpe ini adalah cabaran, tanpa cabaran tiada rasa kemanisan. Ya Allah, jika aku dipermudahkan untuk dapatkan modal, permudahkan aku mengharungi liku-liku hidup sebagai business woman.
Petang tadi lepas dapat tahu boleh buat personal loan dengan amount yg aku nak, terkejut dan tak boleh confirmkanserta-merta sebab perlu cakap dgn umi dulu walaupun umi sentiasa membantu dan menggalakkan aku untuk business ini, tapi kena bagitahu, biasalah anak mak.hehe…. Buat masa sekarang biarlah dirahsiakan daripada abah. Sori ye abah, dah berjaya nanti abah akan faham tindakan along.
Percaya atau tidak, tadi cuba produk Bio Velocity Sleep Mate. Pegang 10 saat je, tapi perbezaan sebelum dan selepas sangat ketara, ianya bagaikan mempunyai auranya tersendiri. Bermakna ada ion2 yg menyebarkan merangsangkan tubuh badan kita walapun hanya sekejap. Bayangkan kalau kita tidur atasnya, insya’ Allah blood circulation kita akan bertambah baik dan kita makin sihat.
Lepas call umi, terus dapat aura lagi untuk melangkah ke hadapan. Jadi esok dah boleh punch, seronoknya boleh ambil BVSM. Jatuh hati pada BVSM bila kali pertama memegangnya tadi. Lepas ni tidur pasti lena dengan BVSM.

친구안녕 Chingu Annyeong

Tuesday 26 February 2013

oh modal ku..!

Baru balik dari jumpa leaders kat Pine 38, sudden call during baring-baring di rumah sewa after balik dari kerja. After meeting dapat semangat lagi untuk buat bisnes ni dan bercadang esok akan pergi ke tempat yg dimaksudkan beliau.

Inilah untungnya jika kita berbisnes dalam kumpulan kami. Leaders sangat baik hati membantu anak-anaknya dari kosong sehinggalah kita berjaya. Daripada strangers kepada family, seperti kita jumpa pasangan hidup yg mana sebelum ini adalah strangers kemudian menjadi family kita. (oopss…belum jumpa lagi insan untuk dijadikan familyku)

Terima kasih ya Allah, pertemukan jodohku dengan bisnes dan grup ini. Contohnya terlalu banyak, hanya atas kita sahaja untuk mengubah nasib hidup.

p/s tak sabar nak ke peringkat seterusnya, punch modal dan terus ke hadapan tanpa rasa ragu dan gusar.
친구안녕 Chingu Annyeong

Monday 25 February 2013

kenapa lah PB ye??

Kalau org tanya apsl la org duk suka ngat pakai PB x pon yg buat bisnes PB.
Mari lihat
Ni baru sikit, belom brief perkara lain, sure teruja ingin tahu.

Why PB then another else?

Ingin tahu lebih lanjut sila hubungi minah perasan "Hangul Saram"

Contact or whatsapp +60 17 212 6637


친구안녕 Chingu Annyeong

Pakaian yg Mengagumkan

Pencarian korset yg banyak dipasaran memang memudahkan. Ada pelbagai korset yg kita boleh dapati. Satu2 nya korset yg membuat hati ku terpikat ialah Premium Beautiful.
Antara sebab aku pilih PB
1) mslh keputihan
2) Sakit pinggang duduk lama2
3) nk sorok lemak dan mengurangkannya spya kurus
4) mengempiskan perut buncit (dulu aku xde perut pon.huhu...abis bljr da mula ada)
5) nak sihat
6) nak buat duit mcm Kak Hanis Haizi (my idol in this business)
7) nak mak aku pakai supaya mak aku sihat
8) blood circulation yg baik
9) sistem perkumuhan yg baik (sebab aku mudah buang air besar slps memakainya.

Dalam senarai di atas banyak nau utk kesihatan, sebab itulah PB ni mmg "AWESOME", kesihatan diutamakan kemudian lahirlah kecantikkan.

Ada apa pd produk PB ye???
Ada Long & Short Bra.

Kemudian ada Waist Nipper.

Dan Long Girdle

Who want to try the best Corset which received Superbrand award for a few years, please contact me. Dont worry if you have big size, this full set of corset is offering to many sizes. Lets set our appointment to fitting, then you will know which size is more comfortable to you gain all benefits from PB.

Contact or whatsapp +60 17 212 6637 

친구안녕 Chingu Annyeong

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Halyu influence

I am just finish watching Fashion King (Korean drama), I don’t like the ending. How could someone who is very hard-working to lift up his life suddenly bankrupted for second time and didn’t even fight back or to start once again his live. This awful ending for the drama and I don’t want to suggest to anyone to watch this drama. Never!!!!

Actually I should watch the ending by yesterday but I stop it because I feel like the main character, Young Gul will lose to Jae Hyuk. Now, what I can see it the best ever drama that I want to rerun is A Gentlemen’s Dignity, Jang Dong Gun and Kim Haneul as hero and heroine in it.
I have many dramas that I want to watch in my external hard-disk. Fashion King, I was finish downloaded after a week it finished airing in Korea in 2012. But I don’t have time to watch it because I spend most of my time to play game and watch another drama also rerun Goong and Full House.
When I realize that my hard-disk is full and need to buy another hard-disk so that I can save the other drama that I want to save (Cheongdamdong Alice, Flower boys Next Door, etc) or transfer the drama to other place (usually I used to save in my mother hard-disk) then I choose to watch them very fast where I need to watch one or two dramas per week. 
 I still have many dramas that been finish downloaded and I am not yet to start to watch them especially “Baker King, Kim Takgu”. It was very interesting when I was watching “Baker King, Kim Takgu” during airing in KBS World a few years back but I miss almost of episodes then I was decided to download all episodes but after finish download I do something else which is more interesting at that time and choose to watch “Running Man”. At that time, I was very in love to FT Island most and I found a clip video of Hongki FT Island in “Running Man” episode 9, later I found that RM is very exciting for every episode.
After finish the awful ending drama, I do not know which drama that I should been watch. I have “Bridal Mask”, “City Hunter”, “Time Slip Dr. Jin”, “King 2 Hearts”, “Love Rain”, “Color of a Woman”, “Winter Sonata” (need to watch from first episode), “To the Beautiful You”, “Jeon Woo Chi”, “The 3rd Hospital”, “Reply 1997”, “Cheongdamdong Alice”, and “School 2013”. Recently I turn to Shinhwa  Changjo, and I have to divide my time to watch Shinhwa Broadcast and Cheer Up Mr Kim also another drama. Aaaahhh…..I do not know.

Currently, I need to focus on something else and my drama collection will double up the amount for a certain time. It is ok, I just need to double up my earning. Let’s focus on our life.
친구안녕 Chingu Annyeong

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Meet Hanis Haizi

Yesterday I was joined a meeting with Hanis Haizi and Raz for Kak Linda’s group. It was very fascinating moment when I had two chances to shake hand with Hanis Haizi (Aaah, I felt like I was meet my KPop idols – faint??). I want to absorb and adsorb her aura so that I can be a successful like her in this arena. Ya Allah, permudahkan aku untuk BERJAYA dalam bidang ini. Amin.

I want to share a picture which has me and Hanis Haizi (again wrong grammar), but I couldn’t because here (when I was write) the speed of internet is very slow.

Wah, finally I can upload the picture. I had big smile in the picture below. Hanis Haizi, she is my mentor/IDOL.


친구안녕 Chingu Annyeong

Tuesday 22 January 2013

mayonnaise container & coffee

When I read the articles about between Mayonnaise container and Coffee, it gives more passion about my life. One of the professor give a lecture to his/her students and pick out this topic for his/her lecture.
1) First, we should fill in the biggest thing in the container like golf balls until full which the container as our life while golf ball as our GOD, FAMILY, CHILDREN, HEALTH and also our SPIRITUAL.

2) Then we fill in fine gravels in the container until full which the fine gravel will fill up the space between golf balls. Fine gravels represent our JOBS, HOUSE and VEHICLES.

3) Next we put sand into container to fill up the space between golf ball and fine gravel until full. The sand represent as other things which is our smallest things.

4) Finally, add in coffee drink into container until full where we should have a time to have coffee with our friends. *the professor is funny*

How we fill in our life, if we put the smallest thing then we do not have any space or time for biggest thing.

* credit to this story, and also pictures. These are not mine

친구안녕 Chingu Annyeong